Thursday, September 16, 2010

Being Grumpy is Hazardous to Your Health

We’ve all heard about the Type A personality, but did you know that there are Type B,C, and D?
T Goodman of InventorSpot explains the difference between the personality types, and why it’s bad to be the grumpy Type D:
Now, Type D’s have been described as anxious, irritable, and pessimistic. They are the grumps and the grouches of the world. They are not necessarily clinically depressed; negativity is just an overwhelming feature of their personalities.
Though some early studies had shown that Type A’s were at the greatest risk for cardiovascular disease, later research found fault with that data. Now an in depth literature research of 49 previous studies involving 6000 patients, found that it’s Type D personalities who are the most likely to have cardiovascular disease and are those most likely to have another cardiac incident after experiencing the first one. They
are three times more likely than other personality types, according to this research, to experience peripheral artery disease, heart failure, and heart attack.

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