Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cambridge motorists not calmed by yoga citations

The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. is trying to calm down residents if they get a parking ticket by handing out envelopes with pictures of yoga moves on them. Many are intrigued by the idea, but some drivers think it's a waste. "It's absolutely absurd. There is no reason in the world we need this," said a man.

Even parking control officers are baffled by the series of yoga poses printed on the front and back of some 40,000 citation envelopes. “I still don't really understand what it's for," said a parking control officer. The calming images are courtesy of Daniel Peltz, an artist-in-residence with the Traffic and Parking Department. "Daniel was interested in the human interaction that takes place. The human interaction when you get a ticket or a citation," said Jason Weeks, from the Cambridge Arts Council.

In other words, it's designed to calm the anger that comes with this envelope. “I think it's a waste of an envelopment because if I got this as a ticket I am not looking at the poses to relax, believe me,” said one woman. "It wouldn't relax me, it would just tick me off more, to know my money is being wasted again," said one man.

The Traffic and Parking Department said they didn't commission the artist's work. It was his vision after spending all winter following parking officers. The city is, however, paying to print the unique envelopes. "The tickets cost a small amount more," said Susan Clippinger, the city's transportation chief. They're just hoping to now bring a little peace to people who get a parking ticket.

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