Saturday, September 25, 2010

Deodorant May Help Save Stinky Endangered Birds

new zealand kiwi photo  
Photo via Flickr
For most of history, life on New Zealand was pretty easy for the island's native bird species -- until the arrival of humans and the invasive species they brought with them, that is. These birds had no natural predators on land to worry about, which may have caused some of them, like the kiwi, to develop a peculiar foul-smelling quality not found in their continental counterparts. Nowadays, this musk makes it quite easy for animals, like cats, to track them down for an easy meal -- which has inspired one biologist to think of a novel solution that may help give endangered birds a fighting chance: deodorant to mask their body odor.
Article continues: Deodorant May Help Save Stinky Endangered Birds

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