Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dimbulb, Palin, Rove and wanna-be-senator-who-opposes-masturbation gnaw on each other

Just me, or is "balls to the wall" not the expression you'd use to defend this woman?
Add Lush Dimbulb to the list of prominent conservatives tearing into Karl Rove's hide today. As Rove continued his tour slamming freshly minted Delaware repugican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell over the considerable number of skeletons in her closet, Lush was almost literally beside himself with frustration at the idea that anyone -- much less The Architect -- would dare violate the 11th Commandment so brazenly.

O'Donnell's nomination has created deep divisions between the repugican party and wingnut agitators. Last night, Rove bashed O'Donnell -- and her chances of being elected -- and insisted that she's said a lot of "nutty things." He was attacked by some wingnuts for those comments. O'Donnell whacked him back in a televised interview this morning. And then Rove responded to O'Donnell and his wingnut critics, daring them to 'prove me wrong'. Then Palin slammed Rove. Now it's Dimbulb's turn.

"If 51 seats was really the objective -- if getting the majority is really that important, then let's go balls to the wall for Christine O'Donnell!" Dimbulb screamed on his radio show today after playing a clip of Rove's already infamous anti-O'Donnell interview on Hannity last night.
Don't you just love it when the wingnuts fight amongst themselves!

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