Thursday, September 16, 2010

French parliament confirms burqa ban

While many people are offended by the burqa, it's hard to see how this political move will help the women or help the country around the world. Many French travel extensively so it they could easily be put in harms way with this move.
The Senate passed the bill by 246 votes to one Tuesday and, having already cleared the lower house in July, the bill will now be reviewed by the Constitutional Council, which has a month to confirm its legality.

The text makes no mention of Islam, but President Nicolas Sarkozy's government promoted the law as a means to protect women from being forced to wear Muslim full-face veils such as the burqa or the niqab.

Once in force, the law provides for a six-month period of "education" to explain to women already wearing a face veil that they face arrest and a fine if they continue to do so in any public space.

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