Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Goldman Sachs warns on tax increases for Goldman Sachs employees

Wow, who ever would have guessed that Goldman Sachs would support maintaining the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%? The average salary - including secretaries, not that they get are paid especially higher than elsewhere - is well over $600,000 per employee. Whether this is from a Goldman "economist" (whatever that means these days there) or not, this only adds fuel to the fire. What middle class American who bailed their sorry butts out of the gutter wants to fund yet another windfall for Goldman or anyone on Wall Street?

How convenient.
What did Jan Hatzius make last year? And how much would he have made if Goldman wasn't bailed out?
Extending the shrub tax cuts for all income levels beyond year-end would add a "couple tenths" to US economic growth, while allowing the tax cuts to expire would result in "well over a percentage point" hit, Jan Hatzius, chief U.S. economist at Goldman Sachs told CNBC.

"If everything was allowed to expire, as is the current legislation at the end of this year, that would be a major impact," Hatzius said.

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