Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Great Recession officially over - Why the recession doesn't feel over

Not that it feels like it for many. Even so, there should be no doubt at all that things would have been much worse if the stimulus wasn't implemented. The repugicans can make all of the jokes they like, but the economic hole that they created could have been much, much deeper.

The U.S. recession ended in June 2009, making it the longest downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, the National Bureau of Economic Research said Monday.

The NBER, considered the arbiter of U.S. recessions, said it chose that month based on examination of data including gross domestic product, employment and personal income.

The group's business cycle dating committee, composed of academic economists, is notorious for taking its time in declaring the start and end of recessions.
It officially ended more than a year ago, economists say, but many Americans may disagree.

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