Friday, September 3, 2010

History's Most Famous Black Sheep

Think that your sibling is embarrassing? That’s nothing compared to these brothers and sisters. I mean, take Al Capone’s brother Vince, for example. Could you imagine how mortified Scarface was when he learned what his brother was up to? I mean, he’s got a gangster image to keep up and all:
In most families, Al would be the embarrassment. However, while he was out making a success of himself by criminal means, his brother “Vince” ran away from home to join the circus, fought in WWI, and eventually became a policeman. Not in Illinois obviously, that would be a conflict of interest. In Nebraska. Vince spent Prohibition shutting down the same type of illegal alcohol productions that were making his brother rich and powerful. He was known as “Two-Gun Hart” and became famous in the Midwest for his law enforcement prowess. Al Capone must have been mortified.

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