Monday, September 6, 2010

"I Love Boobies" Bracelets Create Controversy

In an effort to make young people more aware of breast cancer, the Keep-A-Breast organization is marketing wrist bands which proclaim “I [heart] Boobies.”  Middle school and high school students around the country are wearing these to school and finding themselves in conflict with dress codes.
“We have an existing dress code that specifically states clothing, jewelry or accessories with sexually suggestive language or images is not allowed at school, said Avants. A number of other school districts require students to flip the bracelets inside out so the word “boobies” is not visible.
Some critics believe the organization intentionally used edgy language just to draw attention to itself, and that wearing the products at school prompts inappropriate behavior and language.  Other critics argue that the campaign focuses on the breast rather than the person.

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