Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In Wisconsin, repugican Ron Johnson publicly opposed bill to help child sex abuse victims

Recent polls  have shown political newcomer, Ron Johnson, the repugican Senate candidate in  Wisconsin, ahead of solid progressive Russ Feingold. Johnson is  spending millions of his own money to basically buy the seat. People in  Wisconsin don't know much about him. But, they're going to know more  after today. Video has emerged of Johnson testifying at the Wisconsin  legislature against victims of child sexual abuse:

Oshkosh  businessman Ron Johnson, the repugican nominee for U.S. Senate, made  his first foray into politics in January when he testified against  legislation aimed at making it easier for victims of childhood sexual  abuse to sue their abusers.

Seriously, who sides with child sex abusers over victims?
This is stunning. Watch out for your kids, Wisconsin. Ron Johnson is not on their side.

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