Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Otherwise known as the Seditionists
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Liars and Fools

Faux's Glenn Beck issues correction a year later: Obama's not a racist, he just believes in an "evil" theology.
And we don't believe him now either. Nurse where's that Thorazine!

Steve King (reptile-Iowa) lies: President Obama has "nationalized your skin and everything inside it".
Come again? You're making less sense than the no sense you normally make.

Faux's Glenn Beck lies: "Those churches that believe in collective salvation," "social justice," "are dangerous to the constitutional republic".
Well there goes all the churches - they're a danger according to the beckster.
Need we say more?

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