Monday, September 20, 2010

Old Man Beats Armed Robber with Swiffer

Phillip Graham, 71, of Spartanburg County, South Carolina, drove off an armed home invader. His weapon of opportunity was a Swiffer dust mop:
The man, who was wearing a ski mask, appeared to have a pistol in his hand, Graham said.
Graham was armed too, but only with a Dustbuster in one hand and a Swiffer in the other.
“He told me to get down and I grabbed the Swiffer, started jabbing him with it and it broke off, so I still kept on jabbing,” Graham said. “I told him, ‘You get out of my house, you sorry son of a bitch, I’ll kill you.’ I kept jabbing him and he backed out and ran to the back of the house and then across behind the house.”

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