Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Religio-nut vows to burn Qurans despite danger to U.S. troops

Despite concerns that it will incite violence, a Florida minister still plans to hold a public Koran burning.
Religio-nut vows to burn Qurans despite danger to U.S. troops

In case you think the haters can't get any more deranged:
A wingnut charlatan said Tuesday that he will go ahead with plans to burn copies of the Quran this weekend to protest the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks despite a warning from the top U.S. general in Afghanistan that doing so would endanger American troops.

Quack Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center said he understands Gen. David Petraeus' concerns, but plans to go forward with the burning this Saturday, the ninth anniversary of the attacks.
Where's the outrage from Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Glenn Beck and all the other wingnut frauds who purport to support the troops?

The action of burning the Qurans itself is despicable and warrants harsh criticism from everyone across the political spectrum. But, where are all the voices from the right who used to ask "How high?" any time Petraeus said "jump."

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