Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Teenager banned from US for barracking Obama

Another lesson in the "Drugs make you stupid" Department:
(In this case alcohol)

A British teenager has been banned from America for life for sending Barack Obama an abusive email. Luke Angel was reprimanded by police on both sides of the Atlantic after firing off a drunken message to the White House calling the president a "prick".

The FBI intercepted the message and contacted police in the UK who went to see the 17-year-old at his home in Silsoe, Bedfordshire. Luke, a college student, is now on a list of people who are banned from visiting the States. The teenager said that he had sent the email after watching a TV programme about September 11.

When asked about the ban, Luke said: "I don't really care. My parents aren't very happy about it. The police who came round took my picture and told me I was banned from America forever."

A Bedfordshire Police spokesman said: "The individual sent an email to the White House full of abusive and threatening language. We were informed by the Metropolitan Police and went to see him. He said, 'Oh dear, it was me'." Officers will take no criminal action.
He may not care about it but being stupid is no way to go through life. We have more than enough morons of the 'homegrown' variety as it is stumbling through each day and tripping everyone unfortunate enough to be near them when they fall.

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