Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ten US States Constitutionally Protect The Right To Hunt & Fish

deerslayer book cover image
Deerslayer book cover picture excerpt. 
Image credit:Wikipedia
As one commenter on this trend states, seeking constitutional protection of the right to fish and hunt seems to be something of a 'tempest in a tea pot.' PETA celebrities have Deerslayer's leather stockings in a bundle, apparently. How else could you explain 10 US states amending their constitutions to protect hunting and fishing? (There is no National Fishing Rod Association equivalent to the NRA, by the way.)
Maybe it's more than naked PETA reps and NRA paranoia that have got 'em scared. Recently, EPA turned down a petition to ban the use of all lead shot, even for target shooting. Globally, there have been attempts to ban lead fishing sinkers to protect waterfowl and birds of prey - some having met with success at the US state level, in Canada, and in the EU.
Article continues: Ultimate Locavorism: Ten US States Constitutionally Protect The Right To Hunt & Fish

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