Sunday, September 26, 2010

That's one way to get out of doing math

Cookie Jill posted this over at Skippy the Bush Kangaroo yesterday:

That's one way to get out of doing math

Object to algebra as being "Muslim" so therefore "icky"
Basically a failed fundamentalist candidate for the state educational authority in Texas is claiming that social studies textbooks are pro-Islam and anti-christian, and the state must not buy any more of these texts. this guy won’t be satisfied until the only book in public schools is the bible.

...if the wacko is looking for “pro-Islam” textbooks, he is in the wrong courses. he should be demanding the state cancel all math and science classes, because much of the basic work in those fields was done by Muslims during Europe's so-called “dark ages”. He apparently missed the clue that we use “Arabic” numerals in math and science, and al gebra is obviously not something he knows about.- Why now?
The word algebra is derived from the Arabic word al-jabr, and this comes from the treatise written in 820 by the Muslim Persian mathematician, Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, entitled, in Arabic, كتاب الجبر والمقابلة or Kitāb al-Muḫtaṣar fī Hisāb al-ğabr wa-l-Muqābala, which can be translated as the compendious book on calculation by completion and balancing. - wikipedia
We are so the laughing stock of the world.

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