Sunday, October 3, 2010

11 and 12-year-old arrested for armed robbery

Two young boys were arrested in North Las Vegas for holding up two clerks at gunpoint to steal some cash. Surveillance video from a donut shop shows an 11-year-old, with his shirt pulled over his head, point a BB gun at the clerk and demand money. The 12-year-old accomplice was waiting outside the store.

The clerk described the boy as only up to her chin, but she believed the BB gun was a loaded handgun. The boys then went to a Subway restaurant across the street, where they are accused of executing a similar plan.

According to North Las Vegas police, the 11-year-old boy was brazen enough to hold his BB gun to an employee's head at Subway. The 11-year-old boy's mother didn't apologize for her son's actions, but she did acknowledge that her son and his 12-year-old partner deserved punishment.

Police said this wasn't the first time the 11-year-old committed such a crime. Investigators alleged that police were able to track him down because of his prior felony charge.

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