Wednesday, October 27, 2010

America is waking up and remembering

The closer we get to election day the Democrats are pulling ahead of repugicans.

As people get closer to actually voting people are looking at the repugicans and realizing
the repugicans aren't going to solve Americas problems. 

Repugicans haven't learned a thing from the last two elections. 

In fact the repugicans have gotten worse. 

They not only want to go back to the failed shrub policies, they want to do things like eliminate Social Security and Medicare. 

And tea party repugicans are just plain insane and insane people don't tend to solve complex problems.

People are remembering is that we used to have a surplus under President Clinton and it's the Democrats who are the ones who are fiscally conservative. 

They remember it took Clinton 5 years to turn the economy around. 

Voters are coming to the conclusion that they are going to stay the course and give the Democrats more time to fix what the repugicans destroyed.

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