Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Brigitte Bardot mulls French presidential bid

Actress Brigitte Bardot says she is seriously considering running for president of France after an offer from the Independent Ecology Alliance.

Bardot, 76, said she is interested in challenging French President Nicolas Sarkozy because he has reneged on a promise to outlaw Muslim animal slaughter practices she considers inhumane.
"Because you do the opposite of what you say, I am studying a proposition from the Independent Ecology Alliance to be their presidential candidate in 2012," Bardot said in a letter to Sarkozy published in the French press.

Bardot, an animal rights activist who has campaigned against the seal hunt, wants to make it mandatory to give animals anesthetic before their throats are slit in the prescribed way for halal meat.
"No matter whether it's someone from the political left or right, we just need a voice to stand up and defend animal rights," she says in the letter.

Bardot stopped making films in 1973 to devote her time to animal activism. She is notoriously outspoken and has gotten into trouble for her right wing views on immigration and homosexuality.
"We think she is the best person to represent us for the presidency," Ecology Alliance party chairman Antoine Waechter said. "If she accepts, a final decision will be taken next year.

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