Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Culinary DeLites

Cider lends a sweet-tart flavor to pork chops in this simple, tasty dish. 
Stores pack the aisles with processed foods, so shop the edges for healthier fare.
6 Poisonous Foods We Still Eat

Eating food that is known to be poisonous is like playing Russian Roulette. Some people believe the thrill of flirting with death is worth the risk. Then there are those foods that we all eat, but didn’t know they were poisonous -like almonds!
The poison is present only in a specific species of almond, namely the “bitter” ones, which are a broader and shorter version of the sweet almond. Although each bitter almond only contains tiny amounts of cyanide, the substance is dangerous enough that it is illegal to sell raw almonds in the US. Nowadays all almonds must be processed through heating in order to eliminate germs and render the poison harmless.

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