Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Odds and Sods

A middle-school mom tried to intervene in a fight between her child and another student - but landed in jail instead.

Museum of Man Some strange bones: These are elongated heads that were an elite status symbol in parts of Peru and Bolivia.

The world would be a nicer place if everyone had to nice, wouldn't it? In Alexandria, they're starting with the cabbies.

10 Completely Pointless Scientific Studies
The finest scientific minds in the world have worked round the clock to bring you these incredible studies.

Ita s one of the worst feelings in the world - lying awake in the middle of the night because you can't fall asleep.

Two people are in police custody following an unbelievable attempted jewelry store heist near El Paso, Texas.

A "meow" outside the door of an Atlanta home has turned into a labor of love for a dog.

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