Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Old Military Planes to Drop 900,000 Tree-Bombs a Day

C-130 Hercules dropping something other than tree-bombs. 

I've always felt that planting trees was simply too much of a non-violent affair. Digging holes, lowering in saplings, filling them with soil -- yawn. Where's the action, the excitement, the military-grade aircraft? It's also time consuming. Granted, I don't have nearly the skills this guy does, but the last time I went out planting trees, the best I could do was one every few minutes. Thankfully, somebody has figured know how to plant trees right: By enlisting a fleet of a retrofitted C-130 military transport planes to literally aerial bomb forests with new trees, we could plant 900,000 of them in a single day.
Article continues: Old Military Planes to Drop 900,000 Tree-Bombs a Day

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