Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Repugicans’ ‘scary’ immigrant photo depicts Mexicans in Mexico, photographer reveals

mexicanfarmers Republicans scary immigrant photo depicts Mexicans in Mexico, photographer revealsA photograph that has appeared in two high-profile repugican campaign commercials, used in both cases to depict what some have called "scary" illegal immigrants, is actually a photo taken in Mexico, depicting three Mexican farmers whose crops were destroyed, a British photojournalist has revealed.
And he isn't exactly happy to see his work reproduced in such a manner.
The photo, which was available through Getty Images, carries a caption describing the men as "Mexican citizens photographed in their own country," explained photographer Chris Floyd, in an update to his blog.
In spite of this, repugicans Sharon Angle, a Senate candidate from Nevada, and David Vitter (reptile-LA) have both featured the image in advertisements castigating alleged support of illegal immigrants by their political opponents.
"The fact that these men were Mexican citizens photographed in Mexico kind of negates their claims," the photographer wrote.

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