Sunday, October 17, 2010

Say NO to Stupid!

Marc Perkel had this to say ...

There seems to be a great effort this year to get voters to vote stupid.
The news media is pushing stupidity. Campaigns are running ads trying to make you stupid.
There are even those who are trying to convince you that stupid is the new smart.
They need you to be stupid because it's easier to take advantage of stupid people.

Don't listen to them! Say NO to stupid! Vote SMART!
I say that we should think things through. I say YES to using good judgment.

America is in a time of crisis and we can no longer afford stupidity when it comes to
making our important decisions. If we vote stupid then politicians in all parties are going
to have to cater to the stupid voter by saying stupid things, promoting stupid ideas, and
voting stupid. That's not what is going to turn this country around.

We need to elect the smart people. Thinking is a good thing!
Think before you vote.

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