Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Unicorn sighting causes a stir in Canada

Amateur video depicting what could be one of the most elusive legendary creatures, the unicorn, has been captured on film by a Toronto resident. The video in question, shot by a local birdwatcher, Peter Hickey-Jones, shows what appears to be a white horse with a single horn on its head emerging from the trees in the Don Valley wetland.
Hickey-Jones brought the footage to the Ontario Science Center to be analyzed by experts. The Science Center is reviewing the footage frame-by-frame to determine whether Hickey-Jones’ claim is legitimate. With closer examination, Science Center staff is hoping to establish whether or not a genuine unicorn sighting has occurred.

In the meantime, the Science Center is asking the public to use caution if they think they see a unicorn. Do not make any sudden movements or attempt to use flash photography. Although legends of unicorns state that they are peaceful creatures, scientists worry that they may harm themselves or others if they end up on a road or highway. The Ontario Science Center has set up an emergency unicorn hotline for the public for further information on unicorns or to report any unusual or questionable sightings.

Unicorn Facts

•Unicorns tend to avoid eye contact with humans and prefer to remain unseen

•Unicorns are known in European cultures as being fiercely beautiful creatures whose horns have curative properties

•The Asian unicorn, described as being scaly coated with the body of a deer and a flesh covered horn, was last seen by the Chinese philosopher Confucius

•The 1620 edition of Historiae Animalium, a book describing all the animals living on Earth, included a description of unicorns

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