Friday, October 1, 2010

Urne gedaeghwarnlican hlaf syle us todaeg

Faeder ure pu pe eart on heofonum
Si pin nama gehalgod
To becume pin rice
Gewurpe din willa
On eordan swa swa on heofonum
Urne gedaeghwarnlican hlaf syle us todaeg
And forgyf us ure gyltas
Swa swa we forgyfad urum gyltendum
Ac alys us of yfele

A few days ago we posted a piece about how Americans do not know their own religion - with Atheists knowing more than 'believers' about their own brand and other religions.

The citation above is from one of those religions (Atheists know what it is by the way) and it is written in English ... just not the English you can plug into Babelfish and translate.

How many can figure it out?

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