Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wife of new Nobel Peace Prize winner 'disappears' and phone service cut

There's the world's business partner in all its glory! Yes, this is a regime that can be trusted. The world leaders need to step up and become much more aggressive with calling for the immediate release of Liu and his wife.
The world's newest Nobel Peace Prize winner remained unreachable in a Chinese prison Saturday, while his wife's mobile phone was cut off and the authoritarian government continued to censor reports about democracy campaigner Liu Xiaobo's honor.

Police kept reporters away from the prison where Liu is serving an 11-year sentence for subversion, and his lawyer said that Liu's wife — who had been hoping to visit him Saturday and tell him the news of the award — has "disappeared" and he is worried she may be in police custody.

Chinese authorities, who called Liu a criminal shortly after his award Friday and said his winning "desecrates the prize," sank Saturday into official silence.
Liu Xiaobo doesn't know he won, but his wife may be allowed to tell him soon.  

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