Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Woman Receives One-Billion-Dollar Electric Bill

It's tough for some to make ends meet and pay their bills on time. 
So imagine the surprise of a Georgia woman, when her utility bill asked for one-billion dollars!

When Scarlett Hall sat down to pay her bills, she realized it was probably going to take quite a few Benjamins to pay a billion dollar electricity bill. 

The amount due, $1,016,500,130.09.

Hall lives in Acworth, Georgia, in a home with her husband and three children. 

She's had high power bills before, but nothing like this. 

(Talk about it being tough to make ends meet.)

Knowing this bill had to be a mistake, Hall called Cobb Energy where a customer service rep was able to correct the bill, bringing it down to a more reasonable and accurate $287.

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