Saturday, November 20, 2010

Confused African Pelicans End Up in Siberia: Thanks, Global Warming.

pink-pelican siberia
Russia's been having a record breaking autumn weather-wise, with temperatures in Altai, in southwestern Siberia, remaining as high as 41° Fahrenheit. And it looks like the balmy weather has attracted some new residents: on Tuesday, a flock of seven African pink pelicans landed in the village of Suslovo, reported Reuters. The birds, which had spend the summer in Kazakhstan, should have been flying south to winter in Africa. But that's where global warming stepped in. Confused by the unnaturally high temperatures to the north, the pelicans, all barely a year old, flew in the wrong direction.
Article continues: Confused African Pelicans End Up in Siberia: Thanks, Global Warming.

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