Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gurning Champion Declared Ugliest Woman by Guinness World Records

“Gurning” is apparently a competitive sport in Britain that consists of contorting one’s face in ugly poses. Anne Woods, who’s been a local champion for 27 straight years, will now get a special mention in the Guinness Book of World Records:
Gurning involves contorting the facial features into ugly positions while draped in a horse collar and it is thought that the competition at Egremont dates back to the middle ages.
Mrs Woods said: “It feels absolutely wonderful to have been accepted. But this is not before time; I’ve won the competition 27 times now.
“I am considering retiring, but I know what I’m like. Come next year’s competition I’ll be itching to get on stage again.
“Whatever happens, I doubt my record will be broken.”
Anne started gurning when she was 30 after her brothers entered her into the competition without her permission.
She won and 33 years later Anne is still pulling her famous face.

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