Friday, November 19, 2010

The man who would make the Soviet propagandists proud accuses NPR of being run by 'Nazis'

Remember: repugicans accuse others of being what they already are.

From Brian (Goering) Montopoli at CBS News:
Faux News chairman Roger Ailes is characterizing executives at NPR as Nazis.

"They are, of course, Nazis," Ailes told the Daily Beast's Howard Kurtz. "They have a kind of Nazi attitude. They are the left wing of Nazism. These guys don't want any other point of view. They don't even feel guilty using tax dollars to spout their propaganda. They are basically Air America with government funding to keep them alive."

Putting aside the Nazis comment, the claim that NPR (previously known as National Public Radio) uses government funding to "keep them alive" is questionable at best: Even when indirect funding is included, less than one tenth of NPR's budget comes from taxpayer dollars. It receives no direct federal funding for operations.
The man runs the equivalent of 1980s-era Pravda, and he has the nerve to accuse NPR of being propagandists. This is what today's wingnuts do. They go to the extremes, then accuse anyone who isn't them of doing exactly what THEY have already done, and 100% of the time it's not even true. It provides them cover, and tends to make the media search for equivalences - "FAUX on the right, NPR on the left."

There is no left-wing news network. FAUX is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the repugican party or is it that the repugican party is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FAUX.

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