Sunday, November 21, 2010

TSA Bullshit

Boehner and Congress exempt from TSA procedures
Let them go through the porno-scans and groping. All of them, plus their spouse and kids. Then let's see how long it takes for the security theater to change.
Representative John A. Boehner, soon to be the Speaker of the House, has pledged to fly commercial airlines back to his home district in Ohio. But that does not mean that he will be subjected to the hassles of ordinary passengers, including the controversial security pat-downs.

As he left Washington on Friday, Mr. Boehner headed across the Potomac River to Reagan National Airport, which was bustling with afternoon travelers. But there was no waiting in line for Mr. Boehner, who was escorted around the metal detectors and body scanners, and taken directly to the gate.
TSA security groping leaves 61-year-old bladder cancer survivor soaked in own urine
61-year-old Thomas Sawyer is a retired special education teacher, and a survivor of bladder cancer. He says he was "absolutely humiliated," broke down in tears and soaked in his own urine, after a degrading and invasive TSA "pat-down" at Detroit Metropolitan Airport on November 7 caused his urostomy bag to rupture.

101120-sawyer-vsml-2p.grid-3x2.jpgDue to his medical condition, Sawyer asked to be screened in private. "One officer looked at another, rolled his eyes and said that they really didn't have any place to take me," said Sawyer. "After I said again that I'd like privacy, they took me to an office."
Sawyer wears pants two sizes too large in order to accommodate the medical equipment he wears. He'd taken off his belt to go through the scanner and once in the office with security personnel, his pants fell down around his ankles. "I had to ask twice if it was OK to pull up my shorts," said Sawyer, "And every time I tried to tell them about my medical condition, they said they didn't need to know about that."
Before starting the enhanced pat-down procedure, a security officer did tell him what they were going to do and how they were going to it, but Sawyer said it wasn't until they asked him to remove his sweatshirt and saw his urostomy bag that they asked any questions about his medical condition.
"One agent watched as the other used his flat hand to go slowly down my chest. I tried to warn him that he would hit the bag and break the seal on my bag, but he ignored me. Sure enough, the seal was broken and urine started dribbling down my shirt and my leg and into my pants."
Sawyer was forced to walk through the airport drenched in his own urine, then board his plane and wait until after takeoff before he could clean himself up in the plane's toilet.

More TSA Bullshit

This thanksgiving could get expensive for those folks flying who refuse to be felt up and groped by the TSA.

....the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is warning that any would-be commercial airline passenger who enters an airport checkpoint and then refuses to undergo the method of inspection designated by tsa will not be allowed to fly and also will not be permitted to simply leave the airport.

That person will have to remain on the premises to be questioned by the tsa and possibly by local law enforcement. anyone refusing faces fines up to $11,000 and possible arrest. -
Wrong, you have the right to refuse to be sexually battered and to leave at your convenience regardless what the buffoons at the TSA say. Also the threat of 'fines' is illegal and they know it - this is in response to the call for a boycott of the TSA and their checkpoints on Wednesday November 24th (the day before Thanksgiving). And if anyone were to be arrested it would be the TSA agents for sexual battery.

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