Friday, November 19, 2010

TSA protects America by groping a grandmother

Feeling safer now?
“Right out in the middle of everything,” a female airport screener began patting Bitter's body in places she did not expect.

“She touched my private parts,” said Bitter.

Pressed for details, the 67-year-old Rye Beach resident said the airport employee put her hands inside the waistband of her pants, felt around her waist, passed her hands over both her breasts, and rubbed her hands up and down the insides of her legs - “twice in front and twice in back.”

“As it got more invasive, I thought, ‘why am I consenting to this?'” she said. “It was totally humiliating.”

Bitter said after the screener “finished feeling me all over,” she removed a pair of blue latex gloves, rubbed them with “a detecting pad,” put the gloves into a machine and got a reading clearing Bitter for hazardous substances.

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