Saturday, November 6, 2010

Young Asian refugee claimant sneaks onto Air Canada flight from Hong Kong disguised as old white guy

A young Asian man wearing a mask that made him appear to be an old white man boarded an Air Canada flight from Hong Kong to Toronto. Midway through the flight, he removed the disguise, and when he landed, he claimed refugee status.
"The subject initially claimed to be in possession of one bag; however, flight crew approached the BSOs with two additional pieces of luggage which were believed to belong to the subject. One bag contained the subject's personal clothing items while the second contained a pair of gloves. The third contained a 'disguise kit' which consisted of a silicone type head and neck mask of an elderly Caucasian male, a brown leather cap, glasses and a thin brown cardigan." The man put on the disguise for the officers who "noted he very much resembled an elderly Caucasian man, complete with mimicking the movements of an elderly person. The subject admitted at this time that he had boarded the flight with the mask on and had removed it several hours later," according to the alert.

It has been said in jest on more than one occasion ... 'that traveling nude while flying is the way of the future'.
Well, it may not be said in jest much longer ...

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