Saturday, December 18, 2010

Assange: WikiLeaks being 'attacked' by banks in US, UK, Switzerland and Dubai

Surely the upstanding members of the international banking community would never do anything illegal, would they? Don't they know that they can be indicted by Interpol? Sounds like one industry is getting nervous about the reports due out in 2011.

“We have been attacked, primarily, not by government, primarily, in fact, not by the US government, but by banks—banks from Dubai, banks from Switzerland, banks from the United States, banks from the UK, so, yes, of course, we are continuing to release material about banks,” said Assange, who is out on bail from a Swedish court in relation to sexual assault charges.

In October of 2009, when Assange announced that WikiLeaks had copious documents about the Bank of America, the stock took a hit.

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