Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bank of America bans all payments to WikiLeaks, who respond accordingly

The new year promises to be an exciting one for the banking industry. It's not surprising that Bank of America - rumored to be the target of new WikiLeaks reports - is targeting WikiLeaks though the grounds do sound suspicious and maybe even illegal since WikiLeaks has yet to be found guilty of any crime. If only the banking industry was as vigilant when it came to illegal drug related money.

In classic form, WikiLeaks has sent out a message on Twitter related to Bank of America.
Does your business do business with Bank of America? Our advise is to place your funds somewhere safer.
What's also interesting here is that the Bank of America hasn't realized that we're living in a different age. Smearing and attacking WikiLeaks a decade ago would have been easier but with the tools and technology available today (at least before Comcast scraps Net Neutrality with the help of Washington) the fight is less one-sided. It's not as easy to dominate the message today.

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