Saturday, December 18, 2010

Benjamin Franklin's 200+ Synonyms for "Drunk"

Noted founding father Benjamin Franklin published a list of different ways we refer to someone as drunk in the Pennsylvania Gazette on January 6, 1737. Franklin said he collected these phrases at -what else- a tavern.

Here are just a few:
Got the Indian Vapours,
Topsy Turvey,
As Drunk as David’s Sow,
He’s got his Top Gallant Sails out,
Seen the yellow Star,
As Stiff as a Ring-bolt,
The King is his Cousin,
Got Kib’d Heels,
As Dizzy as a Goose,
Had a Kick in the Guts,
Spoke with his Friend,
He’s kiss’d black Betty,
He’s had a Thump over the Head with Sampson’s Jawbone
Of course, that’s not 200. 
See the rest here.

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