Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Tree Placement

Feng Shui advice: Where Do I Place My Christmas Tree?
xmas tree The ideal location for a Christmas tree is in either the Wealth, Fame or Family area of your home because these are supported by Wood and Fire. The Wealth area is the room in the upper left hand corner of your home, or the upper left hand corner of any room. The Fame area is located at the back of your home across from your front door. Triangular shapes displayed in these areas enhance finances, abundance, and prosperity. The Family area is on the left hand side of your home.
But sometimes, these locations aren't practical. So…
  • If you locate your tree in your Career area, decorate with blue lights and decorations, “icicle” decorations, and a blue/black patterned tree skirt to help bring water energy into balance.
  • If your tree is located in either the Children or Helpful People areas, use metal ornaments, tinsel, white lights, and a silver or gold accented tree skirt.
  • If your tree is in either the Love or the Knowledge areas use lots of ceramic ornaments, yellow and red lights, and red skirt. Skip the tinsel and white lights here, since you don't need more metal.
  • If your tree in the Grounding area of your home, chose a yellow or gold tree skirt and a bright yellow star or angel with golden hair at the top of the tree.
The Christmas tree shown here is incorrectly located in the Failure area of the home.

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