Friday, December 24, 2010

Jedi Police Officer Uses Mind Tricks on the Job

Pam Fleming, a police officer in Glasgow, UK, is a Jedi. She’s one of eight Jedi officers on the force, and she claims that she uses her supernatural abilities while at work:
She even admits to using Jedi mind tricks during interviews with suspects in ‘an effort to achieve the truth’, although she tells industry magazine Police Review that she does not use ‘The Force’ to influence what suspects say or do.
Jedi mind tricks are used in the Star Wars movies by characters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker to ‘influence the minds of weak-minded sentient beings’ to get them to do what you want them to do.
PC Fleming, who is one of ten police workers – eight of them officers – at Strathclyde Police who have listed their religion as Jedi, said her faith helped her ‘fight crime and disorder on Glasgow’s streets’.

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