Saturday, December 4, 2010

Latest Rapture Forecast

They keep changing the date, but I think this one is accurate: Nashville billboards claim Jesus will return May 21, 2011.
billboardThere are 24 shopping days left till Christmas. And 171 days left until Jesus' second coming.
That's the message on 40 billboards around Nashville, proclaiming May 21, 2011, as the date of the Rapture. Billboards are up in eight other U.S. cities, too.
Fans of Family Radio Inc., a nationwide Christian network, paid for the billboards. Family Radio's founder, Harold Camping, predicted the May date for the Rapture.

The Rapture is going to be a great day for God's people but awful for everyone else, said Allison Warden, 29, who orchestrated Nashville's billboard campaign. She's a volunteer with, a website set up by followers of Family Radio. She and other fans designed the billboards, along with T-shirts, bumper stickers and postcards to get Camping's predictions out.
If you want to see just how stupid humans can be, visit their web site: We Can Know.

(Warning: visiting the site will cause uncontrollable fits of laughter accompanied by loss of bladder control followed by a overwhelming sense of foreboding as you realize these lunatics actually think this junk is real and you wonder how any supposedly human is so stupid.)

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