Tuesday, December 14, 2010

London police drag student fee protester from wheelchair, twice

There never seems to be any progress with the Metropolitan police and problems such as this. During the G20, someone died as they innocently passed through and this year there has already been a report of a brain injury allegedly from a police baton. You can see the video here where the student who suffers from cerebal palsy was dragged across the road, including an interview with the BBC. The student protester is unable to move his wheelchair by himself due to his condition and his brother was pushing the chair.

Decide for yourself if this looks like they are dragging him to a curb "for his own safety" or not. The Guardian:
Police launched an internal investigation last night after footage emerged of a man allegedly being pulled out of his wheelchair and dragged across the road by an officer during Thursday's demonstration.

The grainy video, which was posted on YouTube, does not show the moment Jody McIntyre leaves his wheelchair but appears to show the 21-year-old being dragged to the side of the road by an officer as onlookers voice their concerns.

McIntyre said it was the second time police had pulled him from his wheelchair during the protest. He said in the first incident several officers lifted him from his chair and carried him 100 yards "for his own safety".

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