Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Researchers Dressed as Panda Bears Return Baby Pandas to the Wild

When zoologists previously attempted to return a panda bear cub to the wild, the cub did not survive. They suspect that other wild pandas killed him. So this time, the researchers at China’s Wolong panda preserve limited human contact as much as possible. They even dressed in panda suits while returning cubs to the preserve:
In a new strategy, earlier this year conservationists released four pregnant Pandas into a protected area of Sichuan forest in order to prepare their future cubs for life in the wild.
In these pictures researchers at Wolong’s Hetaoping Research and Conservation Center take the temperature of a four-month-old cub before carefully returning him to the ‘wild’ where he is monitored by 24-hour CCTV.

パンダよ野生に帰れ…職員が着ぐるみ姿で奮闘 (1) - MSN産経ニュース

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