Monday, December 13, 2010

UK may turn over files detailing murder of Northern Ireland civil rights attorney

From the WikiLeaks File:

Remind me again why it's not important that people know about the alleged state involvement in the murder of a civil rights attorney?
The Guardian:
MI5 has said that it is prepared to hand over sensitive files on one of the most high-profile murders during the Northern Ireland Troubles carried out by loyalist gunmen working with members of the British security forces.

The offer in the case of the Pat Finucane, the well-known civil rights and defence lawyer murdered in front of his wife and three young children in 1989, is contained in confidential US embassy cables passed to WikiLeaks.

Supporters of Finucane welcomed the revelation of the offer last night as "highly significant" and believe it could pave the way for a fresh inquiry into the killing that would be acceptable to the family.

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