Monday, March 8, 2010
When it makes sense to file taxes late

When it makes sense to file taxes late
In some cases, filing for an extension on your tax return is a smart financial plan.
Warren Buffett's amazing record

Warren Buffett's amazing record
Just $10,000 invested with Buffett in 1964 would now be worth $80 million.
Confusion over American al-Qaida arrest

Confusion over American al-Qaida arrest
Pakistani officials thought an American al-Qaida member they arrested was the terror group's spokesman.
Spreading ocean threat worries scientists

Spreading ocean threat worries scientists
An underwater phenomenon creeping toward shore may signal big changes.
Come to America ...
... and pay the bills
Siberian Methane Could Fast-Track Global Warming
The resulting feedback loop could dramatically outpace the climate models that scientists and policy makers have been using as they attempt to roll back emissions.
When it comes to climate change, methane is bad news: It is 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide in causing increased atmospheric temperatures.
Attack on Nigerian Town Kills Hundreds
Earthquake hits eastern Turkey
6.0 earthquake hits eastern Turkey
Ma Nature is getting a wee bit restless right about now.
Teacher pricked children with syringe
Man arrested for 'thinking of a cheeseburger'
Sleep Habits Revealed
Sleep Habits Revealed
Pothole Gardening for the Truly Compulsive
Image from P. Dungey
We have had match stick gardening and upside down plant holders and guerrilla gardening but this is one for the gardener who is truly compulsive. Potholes, filled with flowers... Why?
Pete Dungey has been patiently planting flowers in potholes to highlight "the problem of surface imperfections on Britain's roads." He says "If we planted one of those in every hole, it would be like a forest in the road". It's poetry of an urban kind.
Puffed-up planets are heated like toast

Puffed-up planets are heated like toast
Adding oxygen to booze speeds sobriety

Adding oxygen to booze speeds sobriety
Bonobos opt to share their food
Accents Trump Skin Color
Children, like adults, use three visible cues--race, gender and age--to arrange their social world. They prefer to make friends with kids similar to them on these traits.
New research shows that verbal accents may be equally important in guiding youngsters’ social decisions--in fact, accents may be even more important than race.
Accents Trump Skin Color
And I Quote
Grandmother Camps Out 43 Hours For Ice Cream
Grandmother Camps Out 43 Hours For Ice Cream
It's a Knockout: Granny vs. Shark Edition
A grandma enjoying a snorkeling holiday near the Whitsundays in Queensland Australia was the unfortunate victim of a vicious shark attack last week.
But rather than simply trying to make her escape, the 60 year old holiday maker decided to fight back - by literally punching the five foot shark in the face.
World's Largest Tree House Stands 10-Stories Tall
Photo via Obvious
16 years ago, Horrace Burges had a divine vision, a calling from heaven. And, like the ark-crafting Noah before him, Horrace picked up a hammer and built a large wooden structure of his own--the world's largest tree house. At 10 stories tall, with roughly 10,000 square feet, the tree house may be more aptly called a 'tree mansion', but according Horrace, it's a work in progress.
Healthiest housing markets in the U.S.

Healthiest housing markets in the U.S.
Find the right mix of affordability, stable home prices, and fewer foreclosures in these cities.
Lindsay Graham lies about reconciliation
The Democrats need to remind the American people, over and over, that the repugicans got us into the entire mess we are in, and that they are liars.
GRAHAM: Well, reconciliation will be used to clean up the Senate bill to make House members happy. House members are going to vote for the Senate bill and they hate it. And the Senate and the president saying, OK, we’re going to change what you don’t like.
And when it comes to the Republicans, you all don’t matter anymore. You just need a simple majority. So reconciliation will empower a bill that was very partisan. We’ve had reconciliation votes, but all of them had received bipartisan support. The least was 12 when we did reconciliation with tax cuts.
Graham’s claim that “the least” amount of Democratic votes a GOP reconciliation bill received “was 12″ is flat out false. As The Wonk Room’s Igor Volsky has detailed, during the Bush presidency, the Republican-controlled Senate passed three reconciliation bills with three or less Democratic votes. The 2003 Bush tax cuts were supported by only two Democrats and needed Vice President Dick Cheney’s tie-breaking vote to pass.
They need to start treating them like it.
Woman again tries using cabs to steal TVs
Breakthrough Producing Hydrogen from Water + Sunlight
Image: Angewandte Chemie, Wiley
Sunlight + Water = Hydrogen Gas
Scientists at the University of East Anglia, led by Dr. Thomas Nann, report a breakthrough in the production of hydrogen from water using the energy of sunlight. Amidst all the hype about a potential hydrogen economy, which would rely upon the highly energetic and clean burning hydrogen atom, one of the big questions has been whether sufficient hydrogen can be produced without using yet more energy to create the hydrogen. Typical production methods include stripping hydrogen from other fuels like methane or using electrolysis to split the hydrogen out of water. But with efficiencies between 20 and 40% for producing energy from traditional photovoltaic processes, the hydrogen economy cannot be solar powered. Or can it?
Cop News
Wisconsin cop gets 18 months for beating suspect in squad car
Florida deputy charged with smuggling contraband into jail
Un-named Wisconsin deputy is suspended pending investigation of unspecified charges
Kentucky cop arrested for driving police cruiser while intoxicated
Illinois police lieutenant arrested for theft, official misconduct
Louisiana grandmother alleges police pepper-sprayed her unnecessarily
World's most expensive olive oils

World's most expensive olive oils
An "ultra premium" Greek oil costs $182 a bottle and boasts a vanilla aftertaste.
Defying logic ...
Little tricks that add up to big savings

Little tricks that add up to big savings
Live a richer life without being wealthy by implementing these creative ideas.
Best freebies to get on your birthday

Best freebies to get on your birthday
There are plenty of places to find free meals and deals on your special day.
Bones Found
Police say bones of 14-Year-old have been found
IT personnel placed on leave in school district spying case
Afghan militants battling Taliban defect to government
Speaking of just that ...
Taliban, rival militants battle in Afghan province
The militants are apparently fighting for control of several villages where the central government has almost no presence.
Employers, consumers in standoff

Employers, consumers in standoff
Employers won't hire until customers spend, and customers won't spend until employers hire.
Pakistan detains American-born al-Qaida

UPDATED: Adam Gadahn may not be the Al Qaeda operative captured in Pakistan, the New York Times now reports. Senior U.S. officials told the Times that Pakistani security forces actually caught American Abu Yahya al-Adam, a Pennsylvania native linked to Al Qaeda's Afghan combat operations and a close aide to Osama Bin Laden.
Today is ...
There are 298 days left in the year.
Fun Facts About Names Day
Our Readers
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Paris, Ile-De-France, France
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as well as Scotland, and the United States in such cities as Chepachet, Hialeah, Shrewsbury, Bokeelia, Cour D'Alene, Glastonbury, Sparta, Katy, Mammoth Lakes, Lodi and more
Daily Horoscope
You've decided to give yourself exactly what you need -- which might be a change of scenery and some new people and experiences to enjoy.
Still, you're duty-bound to make sure everything at home will run without a hitch in your absence.
So before you board that plane or hop in your car, be sure the person you trust most is in charge of everything.
You won't be able to enjoy yourself or concentrate on the task at hand if you don't.
And away we go.