Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Arizona repugicans resign after Giffords shooting, citing threats from tea partiers

Read the headline, then remember, these are repugicans talking, not the "politicizing" left.

Think Progress:
Just hours after 22-year-old gunman Jared Loughner launched a shooting spree at a Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) constituent event in Tucson on Saturday that left six dead and 14 wounded, Legislative District chairman Anthony Miller, a repugican, announced that he would resign his position. In an email to the state’s repugican chair, Miller cited “constant verbal attacks” after his election last year “and Internet blog posts by some local members with tea party ties made him worry about his family’s safety.” Many of his repugican colleagues followed him out the door[.]
Click through to read the full story on Anthony Miller and his colleagues. By my count, the number of resignations from repugican party positions in that district is four. The repugican state senator from that area, John McComish of Ahwatukee, was asked for comment:
A longtime repugican activist, McComish said contentious battles for local party leadership posts are nothing new, but this one appears to be more extreme[.]
Ya think? 

By the way, this is Anthony Miller, for the record:

Some days I think I've woken from a dream and entered a Sci/Fi-Fantasy novel. Today is one of those days.

I can't stop feeling stunned by the surreality, the absolutely on-the-nose otherworldliness, of a South Carolina gun manufacturer coming out with a line of assault rifle parts commemorating Joe Wilson's infamous "You Lie" sputum. Remember where he said that, and to whom? That would be on the floor of Congress, to our first black president.

South Carolina. Assault rifle parts. Black President. All this, only days after an assassination attempt is made on another federal official, while another is assassinated.

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