Sunday, January 16, 2011

Astronaut's Beef Pot Roast For Sale

This pouch of Beef Pot Roast - a leftover from NASA's Apollo lunar program - is on sale to the highest bidder in an online auction.
Amazingly unappetizing but wholly unique freeze-dried 'moon food.' This particular example measures 2 x 3.5 x 0.75 inches and rests within a 5 x 6.5 inch sealed pouch to which a nozzle is attached. All of the food was prepared by adding hot or cold water through the nozzle.

The food was then squeezed into the mouth through a flat tube stored in the package. Food created for the Apollo missions was preserved through freeze-drying and vacuum-sealing, resulting in a product that kept their nutritional and 'taste' qualities.

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