Thursday, January 6, 2011

Computer and Electronics News

Firefox overtakes Internet Explorer in Europe

Why would anyone want to use IE if they didn't have to?

Mozilla Corp.’s Firefox topped Microsoft Corp.’s Internet Explorer in Europe for the first time last month to become the region’s most-used web browser, according to StatCounter, a market-research firm.

In December, Firefox’s share of the European market was 38.1 percent, with Internet Explorer at 37.5 percent and Google Inc.’s Chrome at 14.6 percent, according to StatCounter, which is based in Dublin and Boston.

It’s the first time Internet Explorer has been “dethroned from the number-one spot in a major territory,” Aodhan Cullen, StatCounter’s chief executive officer, said in a statement. “This appears to be happening because Google’s Chrome is stealing share from Internet Explorer.” Firefox is maintaining its existing share, he said.
The internet is quickly becoming Americans' main source of national and international news, according to a new Pew Research Center study published Tuesday.

How to toss electronics
If you got a new TV for Christmas, check your state's books before trashing your old set.

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