Sunday, January 9, 2011

Damn, wingnuts are stupid, ignorant assholes!

Fred Phelps thanks god for shooting of Congresswoman
I can think of no words to describe how much I despise this asshole and everything he stands for.

One thing that struck me in this video is when he said that god intervened when someone was trying to shoot westboro baptist church cultists who were picketing.  “god restrained the hand of them all.  Then he turned the violent veteran on you…”, talking about the guy who shot the Congresswoman, as if it is god’s will.

So, if someone were to assassinate this asshole, would it be god’s will then?
Damn, wingnuts are stupid, ignorant assholes!
They directly cause tragedies such as the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Giffords and then they revel in it while denying culpability.

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