Friday, January 14, 2011

EPA revokes license for mountain top coal mining project

Now *that* is change we can believe in.

It's not going to be a popular decision, but doing the right thing isn't always popular. The repugicans are going to kick and scream but they always do. It's good to see someone is finally taking a stand against the pollution left behind during these mining projects. West Virginia is a beautiful part of the country so protecting it's nature is long overdue.
The Obama administration has vetoed one of the biggest coal projects in the US in a historic decision against the destructive practice of mountaintop removal mining.

The Environmental Protection Agency said it was revoking the permit granted to the Spruce Number One mine in West Virginia, which would have involved blasting the tops off mountains over more than 2,200 acres, because it would inflict "unacceptable" damage to surrounding valleys and streams.

The agency said it was the first time it had revoked a previously issued permit in 40 years, but it said the action was warranted because the environmental damage was truly unacceptable.

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