Sunday, January 23, 2011

Guns and Butter

Americans Would Rather Cut Military Spending Than Social Security
Here's something else for the President to consider while he's drafting the Social Security portion of his State of the Union message: Yet another poll demonstrates the public's strong support for Social Security, and its strong opposition to benefit cuts.

But this one has a new twist: It shows that, by overwhelming margins, Americans would rather cut military spending than reduce Social Security benefits.

That's true of repugicans and independents as well as Democrats, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

According to the poll's summary statistics, when asked whether they would rather cut Social Security, Medicare, or military spending, 55% chose the military.

Only 13% chose Social Security, and Medicare, and 21% chose Medicare.

Military cuts were preferred by a clear majority of independents and overall voters (55%), and by a plurality of repugicans (42%).

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